Name , Official Position , Degree Obtained Of Staff

NoNameOfficial PositionDegree Obtained
1.Daw Yin Yin MyintHead of Section
B.A ( Geography )
2.Daw Win Win ThanAccountant ( 2 )B.A ( History )
3.Daw Htar Htar WaiAccountant ( 2 )B.A ( Geography )
4.Daw ThidaAccountant ( 2 )B.Sc (Q)(Maths)
5.U Kyaw Soe WinAccountant ( 2 )B.A (Economic)
6.Daw Mu MuAccountant ( 2 )B.A ( History )
7.Daw Sandar AyeAccountant ( 3 )B.A ( Geography )
8.Daw San San KhaingAccountant ( 3 )B.A ( History )
9.Daw Hnin Hnin KhaingAccountant ( 3 )B.A (Myanmar)

Responsibility of Department of Account

We have two sections for our duties and responsibilities.

1.Cash section : it is responsible for receiving tuition fees, hostel fees from the graduate and undergraduate students.

2.Account section : it is responsible for Pay Bill, Travel Allowance for Staff, Current and Capital Budgets, Monthly Data Report, Yearly Data Report dealing with budget, Regular debit and credit to Myanmar Economic Bank, Pyin Ma Na.