Occurrence of caprine Cryptosporidium infection and its associated factors in goats from Pyinmana Township
Author: Dr. Lat Lat Htun Category: RESEARCH ARTICLE Publisher: UVS Published: July 18, 2020 ISBN: 0000-000XAbstract
A cross-sectional study was conducted to find out the preva-lence of caprine cryptosporidiosis and its potential associated factors in Pyinmana Township. For this purpose, 306 faecal sam-ples of goat from five quarters/villages were collected and ex-amined by using modified Ziehl-Neelsen (Z-N) staining method and sugar floatation method. Kappa value was calculated to de-termine agreement between the two diagnostic tests. The kap-pa value showed substantial agreement between Z-N staining method and sugar floatation test. Associated factors were ana-lyzed by Pearson Chi-square test based on the prevalence re-sults diagnosed by sugar floatation method. Among 306 faecal samples, 135(44.12%) were positive for Cryptosporidium species infection. Among positive samples, 39.22% of the samples showed mild infection with oocyst density of ≤5 which was scored as +1. In univariate analysis, age, sex, breed, grazing, wa-ter source and sanitation were observed as having association (P < 0.05) with the presence of infection while mixed raising with other livestock was not associated.